Mobile themes and customization are two common concepts, but if you own a portable Xiaomi and live in Europe you'd be surprised: MIUI themes appeared nowhere as of February 2018. The cause was none other than European GDPR regulations.
While we may be able to continue implementing the system of themes by changing the surrounding region, it will no longer be necessary. MIUI bodies return to Europe after two years
The themes are back
European GDPR regulations have met the high requirements for personal in formation and the most severe penalties for breach, of 4% of the company's global returns. Faced with this threat, some companies have decided to treat themselves to health and block European IP addresses or, like Xiaomi, stop providing other services such as MIUI themes
Relocation of MIUI Themes from Europe has been announced in February 2018 as a temporary suspension. It has been a temporary thing, or kept it going for a long time for about two years. The app is returning to Europe to start now, without changing the mobile region.
If it's not visible on your mobile, patience. Although shipping has already begun, it is not expected to reach all European devices until May. By the way some issues will stay in the way, as the company warned in its organizations that "some titles are available in India or other regions, they will not be available in Europe."
Via | My Community