the new feature that defines the list of chats by family, work or friends


the new feature that defines the list of chats by family, work or friends

Android, chats, defines, family, feature, Friends, Instant messaging, list, Mobile apps, News and Updates, Spain, tips, WhatsApp, work

Last year the most installed chat application in Europe finally included chat filters so that at first they could be filtered by everyone, unread and groups, but it even included a novelty more interesting and useful: personalized WhatsApp lists.

These personalized lists are very useful, because they allow you to group contacts by family, work, childhood friends, work colleagues or define whoever you want. Best of all, once you've created a will move to the top of the discussion list on the WhatsApp home screen.

By clicking on this list created at the top All messages from selected contacts or groups will be filtered inside. This allows you to choose one more easily at certain times of the day or week and thus concentrate on your family, your colleagues or those at the university.

Lists already predefined in WhatsApp They are unread, favorites and groups apart from everyone, which is the generic one and the one that comes by default in the chat app. There's another detail to these lists, which is that you can also rearrange how the lists appear in the chat window.

This is how the “all” appeared first, then a personalized list called “Family” then the favorites, to leave the groups and the unread ones below, but as I said, you can rearrange as you wish and click on one filter or another so that the chats of all these filters appear alone.

Personalized contact list in WhatsApp

Personalized contact list in WhatsApp

Free Android

A great novelty which allows us to very finely weave the experience of all chats or conversations you want to see on the main screen from WhatsApp. And it's quite simple to do by following the steps below:

  • There are two ways to create them. The easiest way is to click the + button right next to the chat filters set at the top of the chats.
  • The other way is to go to “Settings”.
  • Then click on “Lists”.
  • A welcome message will appear explaining the feature.
  • Click “Create Custom List”.
  • The name is given as work, friends or family.
  • And then the people or groups linked to the list are added.
  • Once the list is created, it will appear at the top of the discussions.

To reorder created lists You come back to it from the settings and you have to click on the pencil to move them as you wish up or down with a very simple interface.

At any time, you can return to one of the lists created for add or remove people or groups and leave them ready to filter all chats that appear on the main WhatsApp screen.

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