They are investigating whether Apple and other companies have violated the patents on their device's screens


They are investigating whether Apple and other companies have violated the patents on their device's screens

Apple, Companies, device39s, investigating, patents, screens, violated


The United States International Trade Commission today announced the start of an investigation into allegations of copyright infringement related to the capacitive screens of electronic devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones and components manufactured by Apple, Samsung, Amazon and other firms.

According to Reuters, companies are alleged to have violated section 337 of the Trademark Act of 1930. An investigation document (PDF) contains details that an Irish company called Neodron filed a lawsuit in February against Apple and other companies over the issue.

Investigations are now underway and a ruling will be needed that technology companies have infringed on the patent Neodron. If so, all firms must pay a fine of one million dollars.

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The lawsuit has been filed against Apple, Samsung, Amazon and other companies

The investigation is based on a lawsuit filed by Neodron, Ltd. The company is based in Dublin, Ireland, on February 14, 2020. The case involves a large number of companies: Amazon, Apple, ASUSTek, ASUS computer International, LG Electronics, LG Electronics USA, Microsoft, Motorola, Samsung, Sony, and Sony Mobile Communications..

Neodron is demanding unlimited downloads and cash outs from the companies involved in this investigation. The US International Trade Commission has indicated that the commencement of the investigation does not imply a decision.

This case will be assigned to an administrative law judge who will organize and lead a witness session to reach a preliminary ruling that there may be a patent infringement case. Companies like Samsung and Apple deal with many patent cases every year, but patents of this magnitude can cause both companies to pay a million dollars.

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