It is undeniable that ChatGPT has been a revolution. After years of Google domination, the web search market could change with the arrival of “chatbots”; It is no longer enough to display a list of results, the AI must explain concepts and help us in complex tasks.
[Ya sabemos por qué ChatGPT te insulta o te miente, y no es que la IA esté intentando rebelarse]
As Google Bard and the new Bing with AI stumble, now is the perfect time for competitors based on this technology to arrive. We’ve already talked about one of them, Neeva, and now it’s the turn of, which claims to be “an AI search engine that you control”.
The AI that knows who you are
The big thing that sets apart from other AI search engines is in the name: it claims to be designed “for you,” and no one else. To achieve this, its system is able to display results adapted to our preferences and tastes; In this sense, it is similar to Google, since it is able to show everything, from movies that we might be interested in, to nearby news. It also highlights the compatibility with more than 150 applications, among which Amazon, Microsoft Docs and Adobe Stock, which allow us to connect our account and, among other things, to search our documents or images.
But the part that has been getting the most attention lately is, without a doubt, the ‘chatbot’ launched last December and accessible via a tab in the search. It works similarly to ChatGPT, in that it is able to interpret the sentences we write to solve what we really want, presenting us with results and solutions to our problems.
Like the search engine, the chatbot aims to be more “personal”, and this translates into a function capable of “analyzing” a person and showing not only who they are, but also how they are perceived by the audience. .community. Indeed, this AI promises to be able to tell you if you are criticized or praised, and why.
I ask an AI what she thinks of me
During my tests, I asked the chatbot to tell me who @adrian_cal_raya is, using my Twitter account (I’ll explain why later). And the truth is that he managed to surprise me, for better and for worse.
AI said I was a tech journalist based in Madrid, Europe. He said I was the founder and publisher of The free Android, but unfortunately only one of these things is correct; although I was present in the early years of this page (and our sister Omicron), I was not part of his foundation. Maybe the AI came to this conclusion by finding posts signed by me a long time ago on the page.
The most disappointing was when I asked the AI what people thought of me. He said people “appreciate his expertise in technology and his ability to provide in-depth explanations and discussions in a broad way”…and that’s where he stops. wide what? Am I so insignificant that it’s not worth saying more?
Frustrado, pregunté específicamente qué piensa la gente de mi trabajo; ahí se explayó más, afirmando que soy conocido por “proveer contenido preciso e informativo respaldado por investigación y pruebas”. Según la IA, la gente también aprecia mi “voluntad por discutir tópicos difíciles” y mi aparente “compromiso por la verdad”. Por último, cree que mi estilo de escritura es “atractivo y entretenido”.
Un poco avergonzado, decidí que no me podía quedar sólo con lo bueno, y pregunté a la IA qué es lo que a la gente no le gusta de mí, preparándome para lo peor. Curiosamente, no fue tan malo, afirmando que “algunos encuentran desagradable su tendencia a ser demasiado obstinado” y que mis puntos de vista” suelen ser controvertidos”. Tal vez para no hacer mucho daño, la IA volvió a repetir los puntos positivos de antes.
Que a esta IA aún le queda mucho trabajo por delante es evidente. Comete fallos y no está realmente claro de dónde saca algunas conclusiones; los elogios y las críticas parecen algo artificiales, como si fuesen las típicas que se hacen a todos los periodistas. También tiene dificultades para distinguir entre personas; cuando usé mi nombre real, me confundió con un jugador mexicano y su respuesta mezcló nuestras vidas.
Pese a todo, es una herramienta curiosa, que puedes usar de manera gratuita sólo con crear una cuenta en
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