Over the last two years, many companies have presented their first results with the introduction of mobiles folders, although some are more successful than others, and continue to experiment. From a select group, Apple Not yet a part, and to be honest, these plans don't seem to be among their short-term projects, much less iPhone.
As announced in recent months, those highly-charged apples focus on what could be the launch of at least four versions of the iPhone 12, many of which are ready to take on the challenge of connecting to 5G. However, fans of the ship are happy to get ahead of what might be in relation to the iPhone, though in retrospect, one of them has decided to express his idea of an iPhone wrap.
This iPhone concept makes it stand out
It has been a graphic designer for TechMorning, who has included a wrap-around feature on the iPhone video he created and shared on his YouTube channel this week. Despite the potential absence, which is easily happening over the next five years, the formation seems feasible, compared to the first offer available in the market.
The iPhone concept shown in the video features the design of full screen It reaches the extremities without the brain. Opens and closes as Samsung's next Samsung Z Flip. In this design, the device has camera and speaker space, though as described in companies already working on technology that can hide cameras and other screen sensors.
In addition to thinking of another version of the iPhone 12 that works online these days, the TechMorning developer has thought of a different name than the one we normally see on the iPhone and baptized his proposal as calling it IPhone 6D
Could a foldable iPhone future be like this? Share your opinion in the comments!