I've been going back and forth to gyms since I was 18.and that was more than two decades ago. I have never liked playing sports in any form, but I know that it is necessary to maintain good health and, whenever possible, strength training exercises in the gym are what I has always adapted best. And in Europe, it seems to be fashionable among younger people. In fact, in recent weeks, I have seen more young people than ever in the weight rooms. Especially women, who have always tended to turn more towards classes or cardio.
The reason I've been going back to the gym over the last couple of months is because I wanted to lose weight. That and controlling certain health parameters, but above all losing weight. I have never been a thin person, but I have managed to lose weight when I put my mind to it. About ten years ago, after returning from a year in the United States, I lost around 20 kg in a year, and this time I wanted to offer something similar, but in half the weight. time.
It's been a little over two months and I've managed to drop the scale by a little over 10kg. Of course, even if there are several devices that have accompanied me on a daily basis and have taught me a lot about the behavior of my body, The reason I lost weight is obvious: exercise and eat right..
Having not set foot in a gym for over a year, I started the first days with a calmer routine, because There's no point in ending up sore and not wanting to come back in a week.. Currently, I try to train between 5 and 7 days, two hours a day. It's mainly cardio training, 40 minutes of cycling and 40 minutes of treadmill, plus about 25 minutes of strength training, to which I add another 20 minutes of walking.
The other part of this strategy is food. I obviously changed the way I eat, but I was clear on one postulate: I couldn't feel hungry or feel like I was on a diet.. This is very relevant because otherwise I would not be able to maintain this pace for six months, which is what I intend to do.
Samsung Galaxy Ring
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But besides these two pillars, there are other things that have helped, some devices that I used daily and which helped me a lot to learn. This is just my experience, but I wanted to point out that you don't need to spend a lot of money on devices, or have an extremely rigid strategy. In fact, this sometimes proves counterproductive, because everyone's circumstances mean that it is not always possible to exercise the same discipline.
Amazfit GTR4
The first device I used was a smart watch. This smartwatch, the Amazfit GTR 4, is the one I've been using for the past few months, long before I started at the gym, and I didn't find it necessary to switch to another one, although it might give better measurements.. My intention is to lose weight, not to train for an Ironman.
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I used it for be aware of the number of steps I take per day. In a normal day, with training, I barely exceeded 6,000 steps, but obviously neither the 40 minutes of cycling nor the weight training exercises were counted. But it was important to take it on days when I wasn't training, because I was traveling, because I couldn't… In those cases, I tried to reach 10,000 steps normally, without actively seek exercise.
Other the important parameter was sleep. The watch could tell me how I slept, see how I felt about training in the morning, what I did on the weekend, or in the afternoon, what I did on weekdays after I finished work .
These watches have many more functions, like pulse tracking or blood oxygen saturation, but in my case it wasn't necessary. On the cardio machines, I could measure my heart rate reliably. yes that I used it to see how the number of heartbeats changed when I walked up the stairs at home.to compare what it was like before starting these two months of training and then see the improvement.
Xiaomi smart scale
The second device that I used several times a day is the Xiaomi smart scale, the Xiaomi Smart Scale. This device allows us to measure weight very precisely, but also automatically syncs with the Zepp appwhich is the same one I use on the watch.
Xiaomi smart scale
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They say that it is not necessary to weigh yourself every day, but in my case I did. Moreover, I weigh myself two or three times a day to know how the water retention change works, what time of day I do it, what I eat, etc. It's not about obsessing about the numbers on the scale, but learning how your body reacts when you eat certain things or drink more or less than normal.
Xiaomi Airfryer 6.5L
The third device is one I reviewed a few months ago and didn't expect to use as much. This is one of Xiaomi's air fryers. The power cook without a lot of oil It is essential if we want to lose weight. This is also possible with an oven, but as always, it is more convenient to use this type of appliance alone.
Xiaomi Air Fryer
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There are many recipes for extracting juice from this type of fryer, which They are actually air ovens. However, my favorite is TikTok. I already mentioned some time ago that the main use I give to this video social network is to search for recipes and then make them, that many people save dozens of recipes to never make them.
I obviously focus on those who are in good health, and who allow eat very delicious dishes without having to use very fatty foods. There are many profiles of personal trainers, sports fans or even people who like to cook and specialize in particularly healthy plans.
Del Galaxy calls Alexa
In addition to these three devices that I use daily, there are others that I have tried but have not been able to integrate into my routine. One is the Samsung Galaxy Ring, which I already said was possible to use even when we trained with weights, but in my case it gave me redundant information with the watch.
Also I used Amazon speakers a lot (although Google's would also work) ask the number of calories this food has. This is important when cooking and preparing a dish. It's not about throwing away everything that seems to make you gain weight, but knowing what you're eating. Obviously you can also find out by looking it up with your cell phone, but when you're cooking it's very convenient to talk instead of having to wash your hands, pick up your cell phone, type…
Cooking with Amazon Echo Show 15
I integrated the last device not so long ago, but it will become essential. It's a kitchen scale. It's not smart and it's very simple, but it allows you to calculate weights. In Europe, at least in the south, you always have the feeling that the food is not enough and you end up eating much more than you need. A scale helps us weigh food and not eat more than necessary.
I am far from being a nutrition expert or even an amateur athlete. As I've said before, I've been going back and forth to gyms for over two decades, but if there's one thing I've realized, it's that What most people need are strategies that aren't too rigid. to be able to adapt to their lives.
De nada vale que recomendemos productos de 1.000 dollars con entrenamientos muy intensos si a las dos semanas vamos a dejar de lado el ejercicio. La constancia y la fuerza de voluntad son claves, pero sobre lo que las apliquemos depende de nosotros. Cada persona tendrá sus metas, sus capacidades y sus necesidades y hay que ser conscientes de ellas.
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