WhatsApp continues to evolve, and in 2024 alone it has already acquired many functions, and many respond to user requests; For example, we no longer need to save contacts to use them in WhatsApp, and we can easily share multiple photos at the same time on WhatsApp.
The new feature presented today by Mark Zuckerberg on his WhatsApp channel (another of the new features launched this year) goes in another direction: he wants to help us find messages we haven’t finished or that we have not yet sent, allowing us to continue conversations that we had inadvertently ended.
When we write, WhatsApp saves the content of the message, even if we have not sent it. This message remains in the application’s memory, and this way it will always be It can be displayed when we enter the chat. This way we can do other things, like reply to a more important message in another discussion, without losing what we were doing.
However, many people may experience the problem of having multiple threads open with unfinished messages that have not been sent. The solution is that from now on WhatsApp will show if the chat has a draft message, with a green indicator, which will notify us that we can continue the message we were writing.
Discussions containing a draft message will now be displayed at the top from the discussion list, so they will be more easily accessible and we won’t have to search for them again if they were at the bottom of the list, for example.
This way we can know at a glance if we have discussions that we want to continue and click on those with the draft indicator. When we enter the chat, WhatsApp will automatically retrieve the message we were writing and display it so we can continue where we were going.
It’s one of those new things that seems small, but which They can save us a lot of time. This is something that we will notice as soon as we enter WhatsApp and see the list of chats, and how chats that have an unfinished draft are highlighted above the others. We may have been looking for information for the post, or they may have spoken to us through another chat; Or it could simply be that we were distracted by something else, or we preferred to send the message later so as not to disturb the other person if they are busy. In any case, we can see the list of discussions with draft messages, recover them and continue writing.