This smart house takes pictures of your chair for science sake


This smart house takes pictures of your chair for science sake

chair, House, pictures, sake, science, Smart, Takes

Simpson Japan Trip

In the world of technology we have seen all kinds of curious products, such as built-in Bluetooth speakers from Jigglypuff, the famous Pokémoneither cyberpunk lynx. However, the product we want to highlight this time around is home, especially toilets. Scientists from Stanford University (California, United States) have built it a smart toilet that incorporates natural imagery and upload the entire process to the cloud for the sake of science.

Nature magazine has published an article in which they present a new project for a well-known American university scientist: the intelligent toilet of traces of neglect and of human urges over time, sending that data to the cloud and analyzing it for public health purposes. This is the latest addition to a long line of smart toilets, just this model has a few surveillance cameras, be aware and take a picture of the course of each person.

Among its features, this smart toilet is included a total of four cameras: one for laundry, one for anus and two other urine flow chambers. The integrated lenses allow this unique toilet to analyze the urine of users again in equal parts according to the Bristol stool, using an in-depth study of this. A toilet that uses two-factor authentication to ensure that you associate the right bond with the right person.

A smart toilet that analyzes human urine and dunes

smart toilet

In addition, WC also includes fingerprint scanner attached to the output lech. "The ability to use the human anus as a biometric indicator is not a new concept. The famous painter, Salvador Dalí (1904-1989), had already discovered that. the anus has 35 or 37 folds, which are unique as fingerprints, ”says Dr. Seung-min Park, author of the study, on his blog.

The study also notes that the data does not remain in the toilet, but is sent to the cloud for analysis: “All data collected (photos and videos), in raw data format, is described in relation to transmitted to the cloud system for wireless communication. "Regarding user privacy, Dr. Seung-min Park commented on Mashable:" We unconditionally guarantee the security of all photos and confidential information of our users. Written data transmission to the end"

Dr Seung-min Park also confirmed that "we have used a template matching algorithm to find the region of interest (anus), which, when fully developed and confirmed, will be independent of human interaction." He has also confirmed that the original photos from the users age "will be encrypted with a hash function and stored on a secure device". The toilet is the first step in a long-term effort to diagnose more several diseases and disorders in the general population, including benign prostatic hyperplasia, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinal tract infection.

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