Tim Cook will answer almost any questions with COVID-19 and Apple


Tim Cook will answer almost any questions with COVID-19 and Apple

answer, Apple, Cook, covid19, questions, Tim

Tim Cook

Apple's chief executive plans to appear on videoconference in front of his employees later this April resolving questions about contracts set to work at home due to coronavirus.

As revealed by Bloomberg, Apple sent a statement to its employees yesterday on Wednesday letting them know about the look.. On this note it was requested that so many questions be addressed this Saturday before this Saturday. Also Employees are encouraged to share their work experience from home and to report that an event had not yet arrived.

Meanwhile, at least in the United States, Apple has already assured that its stores will not reopen until at least the beginning of May, so until then its employees should stay home and work as much as possible. to them. Santa Clara County, where Apple has Apple Park and its Infinite Loop services the detention order is dated until May 3Therefore, until then, employees will not be able to return to normal operation, provided that the order is not extended.

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All the while, from Apple they have focused their efforts on simplifying their workforce with parental cases managing their homework, counting that many of them work as teachers for their children and as Apple employees at the same time.

Both Apple and its CEO Tim Cook have accepted a coronavirus funding position for its employees and the general public for unique contributions and investments in equipment development to facilitate the care and treatment of the virus, using their resources, among others, to create screenshots for protecting health workers .

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