Tweetbot is updated adding support to limit responses to tweets and create polls

The world of social networks is a changing world. It is so much so that on many occasions we see how many of these networks have enjoyed being the most used by all users, only to then fall into complete oblivion. Others like Facebook are reluctant to fall by creating communities where one can least hope for. And others like Twitter stick around for as long as they can, adding news and acting as a social forum where “everything” happens. Twitter

this social network that we can use through third-party applications, and today we bring you news on one of the best known. Tweetbot for iOS has just been updated to add support for limiting replies to tweets and creating accounts.
Keep reading as we give you all the details.

Obviously, all third-party applications used to use Twitter they must adapt to the news that Twitter wants to launch in its API, That they also neglect so that we end up using the official client (with advertising). Tweetbot, from Tapbots, adds one of the latest news from Twitter that allows us to limit who can respond to tweets, and the creation of polls in our stream of tweets.

Very interesting news, especially the one that allows us to more easily limit responses in order to have more control over who responds to us.

Remember that Tweetbot changed its business model to the subscription model and that unlike previous versions (where we had to pay to download the app), we now have to “only” subscribe to one of their plans to be able to use the app. We’ll see if Twitter continues to update its API so developers can continue to use the platform’s new features. And you, are you one of those who use the official client or do you go for apps like Tweetbot?



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