WhatsApp will show group user profile pictures in chats

We continue with future WhatsApp news, news that arrives to continue improving the way we interact with our contacts within the famous instant messaging application. And it is that if you are users of other messaging platforms you will have seen how within the groups you can see the photos of the users as they write, in WhatsApp it is not like that but everything seems to change soon. WhatsApp will display profile pictures of users in a group next to their messages. Read on as we tell you about this upcoming WhatsApp for iOS release.

As you can see in the image leading this post, a capture of a group conversation filtered by WABetaInfonext to the posted message the user’s profile picture appears, this is something that happens, for example, in Telegram and in iMessage. It must be said that this novelty will take time to notice, for the moment it is only available in development version, it still has to reach the beta versions open to the public. An interesting novelty since it will allow us to visually identify the user typing in a conversation

as it happens in the messaging applications of the competition.

A novelty that joins the possibility that the administrators delete messages in groups as we saw yesterday, and to the possibility that these Create polls within WhatsApp groups. News that aims to keep users inside the application and not escape to other platforms, although it is true that WhatsApp enjoys hegemony in several countries and that its competitors are struggling to dethrone them. You too, what do you think of this news? Missed user profile pictures in groups?



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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