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Telegram Premium has been a reality for a few months, but now comes the important part, since Pavel Durov resumed his account on Telegram to explain the reasons and whys of the paid subscription of this chat application. And it is true that we are a service which gives more and more, but which is not maintained from the air; as is the case with other applications, WhatsApp itself, owned by Meta and its conglomerate of services and applications.
Main reasons
The the logic behind Durov’s words is overwhelming And that leaves no doubt, since Telegram is an application that offers a lot without asking anything in return. Not a cent of a euro did they have to spend its millions of users for it to be understood that they had to monetize it in some way.
Durov himself explains from his Telegram account that the the service has increased periodically in functions with the updates that we have followed from these lines. In fact, it served as an inspiration to WhatsApp itself for copying many of its features.
Starting from this argument, he drops that they want to continue to give new functions, but that due to the scope of users who use the service every day, it is impossible for them to do so as they have done so far. In other words, monetization via Telegram Premium seems the most logical.
What will Telegram Premium be?
Born in 2013 to continue in great shape in 2022, Durov announces that this month Telegram Premium will be announced as a monthly payment service which allows the user to access additional features and resources.
Como no, avisa de que acceder a Telegram Premium permitirá a sus suscriptores acceder los primeros a sus novedades. Pero que quede bien claro, todas las características gratuitas actuales seguirán siéndolo, así que no hay que agarrarse a ningún lado para no marearse.
Funciones como ver documentos o contenido multimedia de gran tamaño y stickers enviados por los usuarios Premium estarán ahí, pero claro, ya deja ver por dónde irán los tiros con ciertas características especiales que estos usuarios podrán realizar.
¿El objetivo final de Telegram Premium?
Nos quedamos con las palabras finales de Duróv que explican muy bien los motivos. Como bien dice, la idea es que el servicio sea soportado por sus usuarios y no tenga que depender en ningún momento de la publicidad.
Algo que está sucediendo cada vez más al observar como Netflix incluso ya está ideando una suscripción más barata con publicidad, así que se puede entender que el mismo Duróv salga a la palestra a explicarse para no dejar que la idea principal se contamine por la desinformación.
Por nuestra parte queda bastante claro que un servicio de tal enjundia pase por un modelo de suscripción, aunque nos queda por saber todos los detalles del mismo para valorar cómo quedarán las funciones gratuitas y las premium.
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