Your operator will not be able to increase your prices during the alarm


Your operator will not be able to increase your prices during the alarm

alarm, increase, operator, Prices

Over the past few weeks, the Spanish government has taken several steps that affected workers, such as designing the abolition of mobile and temporary mobile phones. In the new BOE, officially launched today, a series of new initiatives are being announced for workers in Spain. One of the most important is that frozen prices.

The announcement that prevents operators from rising in price of prices during the current state of the country. He said the BOE argues that the government thus enforces that current tariffs be temporarily saved. There can be no change in them.

Prices have not changed

Users are responsible for this keep current payment prices, which includes those discounts linked to permanent commitments or other promotions that users have subscribed to. This way, they will continue to enjoy the same price they have paid so far, without worrying about the feature.

On the other hand, changes have also been announced in the matter of carriage. As the veto suggested, it was introduced two weeks ago, which prevented users from changing operators. Now, everyone who wants to do that will be able to change the operator and sign a new contract, though the whole process will have to be done remotely. The rate will only affect those who have a mobile phone contract, because in some services a physical presence is required, such as in the case of fiber optics, when the transporter goes home. This type of carry is still prohibited.

This is a series of steps Creua asked for a few days. This will allow users don't pay more for your pricesEspecially those who are probably signed up for promotions and are afraid that their invoice price will increase soon. In addition, there is also good news for those who want to change operators or rates, which they can do from home.

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