Stephany Nunneley
Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 16:35 GMT
Anger Street 4 comments have begun to appear.
Angry Street 4 Comments will be published before the beat up tomorrow (April 30). We have summarized all the scores you can find below.
After publishing, you will be able to enjoy two people online cooperation and up to four people offline cooperation. You can also expect new characters and return to favorites. For example, Skate and Max can be unlocked through the game.
It also features music from the previous "Angry Street" game and contains 12 stages. The game also has the ability for soldiers to greet the police for special operations. The characters in "Angry Street 3" will be able to sprint and scroll through the environment.
You can also expect the game to include music from Rage 1 and Rage 2 and 17 playable characters.
The game will be available for PC, PlayStation 4, Switch and Xbox One
Unless otherwise stated, all of the following scores are rated as ten.
Anger Street 4 review