The exclusive contract binding the Star Wars Electronic Arts license should normally end in 2023. The various controversies and other games that have been canceled since that deal was signed in 2013 apparently led Lucasfilm not to wait until the end of the deal to prepare the film.
Also Read: Indiana Jones: Bethesda and Lucasfilm Games Announce Game In Development
The bullet of the day was received from the American side Wired
According to information from Wired, this Star Wars produced in Ubisoft is at the very beginning of its development. The project is led by Ubisoft Massive (The Division 2) and the Swedish studio is currently recruiting people to support its development team.
The few details that Ubisoft and Lucasfilm share include the name of the creative director of this new game and the engine it uses. The Wired article reveals that the post just mentioned was given to Julian Gerighty, Division 2 director. And as for the engine, this Star Wars Ubisoft is run with the Snowdrop engine (The Division 2, Mario + The Rabbids Crtins, Kingdom Battle, etc).
There are still many unanswered questions
As for the type of game or its specifics, nothing indicated that it was an open world game. In a statement submitted by Wired Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot is content to just say they want “Create an original Star Wars adventure like never done in the past. “
As an aside, note that the American publisher may continue to offer Star Wars video games when this announcement obviously marks the end of the EA Lucasfilm exclusivity agreement. Sean Shoptaw, senior vice president of global games and interactive experiences at Disney, told Wired:
EA was and will continue to be a really strategic and important partner for us in the future. We just felt that there was room for others. Unless Electronic Arts is blacklisted, that remark still sounds like some kind of disapproval. Going back to Ubisoft’s Star Wars game, no indication of the release date or platforms has been posted yet. Ubisoft is committed, this new customization will certainly be cross-platform.
What do you think of this announcement? Do you think Ubisoft will be able to offer a good Star Wars game? How do you think the situation is between EA and Lucasfilm? Tell us everything in the comments below.