In September of last year, Shonen Jump magazine launched a very peculiar manga with great enthusiasm: Kagurabachi. Initially, the work was taken as a joke because it was a shonen traditional that did not risk anything, and many anticipated its cancellation a few weeks later.
However, as the months have passed, memes have given way to respect, turning Kagurabachi
“I hope it becomes an even more popular manga. Fortunately, international popularity is very high, so I would like it to be popular in Japan as well. Eventually, our goal is to turn it in to an anime.”
The key to achieving this adaptation is clear: obtain the maximum possible support from fans around the world. Although the Japanese have considerable weight in this decision, the international public is increasingly becoming more important in continuing with this type of work.
However, if this were to happen, we would have to wait a long time to see the animated series. The reason? Very simple: Kagurabachi It only has 20 chapters and, at a minimum, to advance adequately, the manga would have to reach three figures if they want a season to be produced without problems and as comfortably as possible.
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