We do price comparison
Amazon offers a lot of deals, but which day in March do you really have a Flash deal? Netzwelt checks for you.
Amazon lists more than 5,000 offers on its website every day. Retailers distinguish between daily quotes and real-time quotes. However, you don't always bargain for it. So, we checked current daily specials and special offers on Amazon and show you below which products you really save.
Daily Special
No suitable quote? We also regularly check your offers on eBay, MediaMarkt, Saturn and Otto.
What's the point of Flash products on Amazon?
In addition to daily and special offers, so-called flash offers are available on Amazon. These are only valid for a few hours and the number of discounted products is also limited. New Flash offers are activated every 15 or 30 minutes throughout the day. On special days like Black Friday, there are new Flash offers every five minutes. If you like products, put them in a virtual shopping cart. After that, you have only 15 minutes to pay at checkout.
We give you a brief introduction to the latest flash memory products in the consumer electronics space. Please note: We do not compare prices here, but rely on Amazon prices.
This is how Netzwelt's quote check works
How do we check if Amazon offers are really cheap? Through our quotation check, we can not only determine how much is saved compared to the manufacturer's suggested retail price, but also how much compared to other retailers. This is usually more interesting information, especially since the quoted prices for products that have been on the market for a long time are much lower than the suggested retail price.
Price search engine for price comparison with other dealers geizhals.de. However, we have not considered all the quotes listed here, only reliable quotes. In the process, we include inventory, user ratings and the location of the corresponding retailer.
Get more advantages with Amazon Prime
As a major Amazon subscriber, you not only enjoy the benefits of free shipping and free use of internal music and video streaming services, but you also get Flash discounts 30 minutes in advance.
»Subscribe now to Amazon Prime
You can try Amazon Prime for free for 30 days, after which the service will cost € 69 per year or € 7.99 per month. On the overview page, we introduce you to all the benefits of Amazon Prime.
For links on this page, NETZWELT may receive commissions from resellers or service providers, such as the Buy Now button.
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