Animal Crossing: List of Villagers and Special Villagers in New Horizons

The Boss

Animal Crossing: List of Villagers and Special Villagers in New Horizons

Animal, Crossing, Horizons, list, Special, villagers

Without friends, life on the island is no fun. There are more than 400 potential residents ready for hospitality, including more than 20 Special villagers Service providers, and more than 390 Ordinary villager Who can become a permanent resident Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Although some special villagers need to be absent, they may appear in future updates and in-game activities.

There are only two villagers on your departure island-they are randomly selected. But as you upgrade your digs and build more huts, Tom Nook begins to invite more animals to become citizens of your city.

Below is each list of data obtained from the game itself, including their name, personality type, and which animal they are.

Animal Crossing: Special Villagers in New Horizons

Although regular villagers live side by side with you on your island, you may be more connected with a special list of villagers who provide goods, guidance, and services.

Some of them (such as Tom Nook) are given, but some of the favorites for old games are missing.

Animal Crossing: Special Villagers in New Horizons
name: Features:
Holster Museum curator
Celeste Teach you information about wishes in a meteor shower
C.J. Fishing game
Daisy May Turnip seller
Flick Bug Competition
Gulliver Visitor activity-washing on the beach
Huff Photo island
Isabel Accommodation Services
K.K. slider Radio songs, concerts
Kick Shop owner
label Visit your sisters in town
Leif Earth Day activities
Marbel Tailor Co-owner
Orville Dodo Air check-in
Mr reset Nook Inc rescue
sable Co-owner tailor
Sahara Carpet & Wallpaper Sellers
Timmy Nook's Crany Co-owner
Tommy Nook's Crany Co-owner
Tom Nuuk Eternal overlord
Wilbur Dodo Air Pilot
Elf Visitor Event-Night
T. Rabbit Rabbit Day Event

Animal Crossbreeding: Apparent Absence in New Horizons

If your favorite supplier is not in the list above, we are very sorry.

In previous Animal Crossing games, many of the mechanics introduced by special characters to players were done by text boxes in New Horizons or regular villagers, making those old friends unavailable.

However, Leif was only confirmed in the Nintendo Direct announcing a special event for the Rabbit Day-so there is still hope. Here's a list of all the special villagers who haven't appeared in Animal Crossing: "New Horizons", but may appear later.

  • Brewster
  • chip
  • Cyrus
  • Digby
  • Dr. Contract
  • Gram
  • Joan
  • Capone
  • Nat
  • Pete
  • Reese
  • Tortimer

Animal Crossing: List of Villagers in New Horizons

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there are seven different personality types that determine what a furry friend says to you. they are:

  • normal
  • have a bee in one's bonnet
  • smug
  • arrogant
  • Athletic
  • lazy
  • sister

The following data is from the Animal Crossing Wiki community under the CC-BY-SA license, which means you can also modify, remix and distribute it yourself.

Animal Crossing: New Tribe Villagers
name: Female / male personality: Animal type:
Admiral male have a bee in one's bonnet bird
Agent S Feminine Powerful squirrel
Agnes Feminine sister pig
aluminum male lazy Gorilla
Alfonso male Lazy crocodile
Alice Feminine normal Koala
Ellie Feminine arrogant crocodile
Amelia Feminine arrogant eagle
Annabelle Feminine Powerful Anteater
cho fish male lazy bird
Anka Feminine arrogant Cat
Angus male have a bee in one's bonnet Cattle
Anicotti Feminine Powerful mouse
Anna Lisa Feminine normal Anteater
Yearbook Feminine arrogant horse
Antonio male Athletic Anteater
Apollo male have a bee in one's bonnet eagle
apple Feminine Powerful Hamster
Astrid Feminine arrogant kangaroo
Audi Feminine Powerful Wolf
aurora Feminine normal penguin
Ava Feminine normal chicken
Avery male have a bee in one's bonnet eagle
Axel male Athletic Elephant
Barbara Feminine arrogant sheep
Bam male Athletic deer
bracelet Feminine Powerful tiger
Barod male lazy Bear
playboy male lazy deer
Bia Feminine normal dog
Bildo male smug Bear
Becky Feminine arrogant chicken
Bella Feminine Powerful mouse
Benedict male lazy chicken
Benjamin male lazy dog
Bertha Feminine normal Hippopotamus
Betina Feminine Normal mouse
Bianca Feminine Powerful tiger
Biff male Athletic hippopotamus
Big top male lazy Elephant
bill male Athletic duck
Billy male Athletic goat
Bischi male lazy dog
ty Feminine arrogant Hippopotamus
Blair Feminine arrogant squirrel
Blanche Feminine arrogant ostrich
Blue bear Feminine Powerful Bear
Bob male lazy Cat
Bang Bang Feminine Powerful rabbit
bone male lazy dog
Hipster male Lazy penguin
Boone male Athletic baboon
boots male Athletic crocodile
Boris male have a bee in one's bonnet pig
Boyd male have a bee in one's bonnet Gorilla
Bray Feminine arrogant mouse
Brocolo male lazy mouse
Bruce male have a bee in one's bonnet deer
Brofina Feminine arrogant chicken
Bubble Feminine Powerful hippopotamus
Buck male Athletic horse
bud male Athletic lion
rabbit Feminine Powerful rabbit
Butch male have a bee in one's bonnet dog
buzzing male have a bee in one's bonnet eagle
Carly Feminine normal squirrel
Camouflage frog male have a bee in one's bonnet frog
Canberra Feminine sister Koala
Candi Feminine Powerful mouse
Carmen Feminine Powerful rabbit
Caroline Feminine normal squirrel
Carrie Feminine normal kangaroo
Cashmere Feminine arrogant sheep
Celia Feminine normal eagle
Cesar male have a bee in one's bonnet Gorilla
Chad male smug mouse
hai Feminine Powerful Elephant
Charles Feminine sister Bear
Cheri Feminine Powerful Bear
Cherry Feminine sister dog
Chester male lazy panda
Chevrolet Feminine normal goat
chief male have a bee in one's bonnet Wolf
Ribs male smug pig
how male have a bee in one's bonnet panda
Chrissy Feminine Powerful rabbit
Claude male lazy rabbit
Claudia Feminine arrogant tiger
clay male lazy Hamster
Cleo Feminine arrogant horse
Clyde male lazy horse
coach male Athletic Cattle
Cobb male Athletic pig
cocoa Feminine Normal rabbit
rape male lazy rabbit
Colton male smug horse
cookies Feminine Powerful dog
Cousteau male Jock frog
Cranston male lazy ostrich
croque male have a bee in one's bonnet frog
cube male lazy penguin
Colos male smug sheep
curly male Athletic pig
t male have a bee in one's bonnet Bear
Side male have a bee in one's bonnet Elephant
Cyrano male have a bee in one's bonnet Anteater
daisy Feminine normal dog
Dina Feminine normal duck
Dildre Feminine sister deer
Del male have a bee in one's bonnet crocodile
Deli male Lazy monkey
Devin male lazy duck
Diana Feminine arrogant Deer
Diva Feminine sister frog
dizziness male lazy Elephant
More than male have a bee in one's bonnet Wolf
file male lazy rabbit
Dom male Athletic sheep
Dora Feminine normal mouse
Dotty Feminine Powerful rabbit
Drago male lazy crocodile
Drake male lazy duck
drift male Athletic frog
Ed male smug horse
Egbert male lazy chicken
Alice Feminine Arrogant monkey
Ellie Feminine normal Elephant
Elmer male lazy horse
Elois Feminine arrogant Elephant
Elves male have a bee in one's bonnet lion
Eric male lazy deer
Eunice Feminine normal sheep
Eugene male smug Koala
ang male have a bee in one's bonnet Wolf
Fauna Feminine normal deer
Magnificent Feminine Powerful Cat
hazelnut male lazy squirrel
Flip male Athletic monkey
Floating point number Feminine sister penguin
Flora Feminine Powerful ostrich
Flurry Feminine normal Hamster
Francine Feminine arrogant rabbit
frank male have a bee in one's bonnet eagle
freckle Feminine Powerful duck
Freya Feminine arrogant Wolf
Friga Feminine Arrogant penguin
Fritta Feminine sister sheep
Frobert male Athletic frog
Fuchsia Feminine sister deer
Gabi Feminine Powerful rabbit
Party Feminine normal pig
Gaston male have a bee in one's bonnet rabbit
Gail Feminine normal crocodile
Genji male Athletic rabbit
Gigi Feminine arrogant frog
Gladys Feminine normal ostrich
Gloria Feminine arrogant duck
Gaudi Feminine normal dog
Gunzo male have a bee in one's bonnet Koala
Goose male Athletic chicken
Graham male smug Hamster
Greta Feminine arrogant mouse
Grizzly bear male have a bee in one's bonnet Bear
Groucho male have a bee in one's bonnet Bear
rough male have a bee in one's bonnet goat
Gwen Feminine arrogant penguin
village male Athletic Hamster
Humphrey male have a bee in one's bonnet Hamster
Hans male smug Gorilla
Harry male have a bee in one's bonnet hippopotamus
hazel Feminine sister squirrel
Henry male smug frog
Hippex male smug hippopotamus
Hopkins male lazy rabbit
hopper male have a bee in one's bonnet penguin
Hornsby male lazy Rhino
Hack male smug frog
Hugh male lazy pig
gg male Athletic penguin
Aike male have a bee in one's bonnet Bear
Jacob / Jaki male lazy bird
Jacques male smug bird
Jambit Feminine normal frog
Jay male Jock bird
Jeremiah male lazy frog
shake male Athletic bird
Joey male lazy duck
Judy Feminine arrogant Bear
Julia Feminine arrogant ostrich
Julian male smug horse
June Feminine normal Bear
Cabaret uki Male have a bee in one's bonnet Cat
Kate Feminine sister Cat
Keaton male smug eagle
Ken male smug chicken
ketchup Feminine Powerful duck
Kevin male Athletic pig
Kid cat male Jock Cat
Kidd male smug goat
Kiki Feminine normal Cat
Kit Feminine normal kangaroo
Cat Feminine arrogant Cat
Klaus male smug Bear
Knox male have a bee in one's bonnet chicken
Cody male Athletic Bear
Kyle male smug Wolf
Leonardo male Athletic tiger
Leopold male smug lion
lily Feminine normal frog
Limberg male have a bee in one's bonnet mouse
Lionel male smug lion
Lobo male have a bee in one's bonnet Wolf
Lollipop Feminine normal Cat
Lopez male smug deer
Louis male Athletic Gorilla
Lucia male smug bird
lucky male lazy dog
Lucy Feminine normal pig
Lehman male Athletic Koala
Apple Computer male Athletic dog
McGrady Feminine Powerful dog
Mailer Feminine arrogant duck
Inferior coal Feminine normal pig
Mallary Feminine arrogant duck
maple Feminine normal Bear
Maggie Feminine normal Elephant
Marcel male lazy dog
Massy Feminine normal Elephant
pier Feminine normal octopus
marshal male smug squirrel
Matilda Feminine arrogant kangaroo
Megan Feminine normal Bear
Melba Feminine normal Koala
Melenger Feminine normal Rhino
Merry Feminine Powerful Cat
midge Feminine normal bird
mint Feminine arrogant squirrel
Mira Feminine sister rabbit
Miranda Feminine arrogant duck
Mizi Feminine normal Cat
Cute male lazy Cat
Molly Feminine normal duck
Monique Feminine arrogant Cat
Monty male have a bee in one's bonnet monkey
moose male Athletic mouse
Mott male Athletic lion
Maffei Feminine sister sheep
Murphy male have a bee in one's bonnet Bear
Nan Feminine normal goat
Nana Feminine normal monkey
Naomi Feminine arrogant Cattle
Nate male lazy Bear
nibble Feminine Powerful squirrel
Norma Feminine normal Cattle
Octavian male have a bee in one's bonnet octopus
O'Hare male smug rabbit
Olaf male smug Anteater
Olive Feminine normal Bear
Olivia Feminine arrogant Cat
opal Feminine arrogant Elephant
Ozi male lazy Koala
Panchetti Feminine arrogant pig
Pango Feminine Powerful Anteater
Papi male lazy horse
Paul male lazy Elephant
Pashmina Feminine sister goat
Meat sauce Feminine Powerful duck
meat pie Feminine Powerful Cattle
Paula Feminine sister Bear
peach Feminine normal horse
peanut Feminine Powerful squirrel
walnut Feminine arrogant squirrel
peck male Athletic bird
Pivi male have a bee in one's bonnet Gorilla
Peggy Feminine Powerful pig
Pico Feminine normal Bear
Penelope Feminine Powerful mouse
Phil male smug ostrich
Phoebe Feminine sister ostrich
pierce male Athletic eagle
Pietro male smug sheep
Little finger Feminine Powerful panda
Piper Feminine Powerful bird
Pippi Feminine Powerful rabbit
lucky Feminine sister chicken
Pompom Feminine Powerful duck
poncho male Athletic Bear
poppy Feminine normal squirrel
Portia Feminine arrogant dog
prince male lazy frog
puck male lazy penguin
Puddle Feminine Powerful frog
Chunky man male lazy Bear
Strong male lazy Cat
rl Feminine arrogant Cat
Queen Feminine arrogant ostrich
Quelson male smug duck
ocher male lazy frog
Raschel male have a bee in one's bonnet pig
Raymond male smug Cat
Renee Feminine sister rhinoceros
Rainey Feminine sister horse
Rex male lazy lion
Ronda Feminine normal rhinoceros
Libert male Athletic Robot frog
Ricky male have a bee in one's bonnet squirrel
Rizzo male have a bee in one's bonnet mouse
Roald male Athletic penguin
Robin Feminine arrogant bird
Rocco male have a bee in one's bonnet hippopotamus
rocket Feminine sister Gorilla
pole male Athletic mouse
Enclosure male lazy Cattle
Rodney male smug Hamster
Rolf male have a bee in one's bonnet tiger
Rooney male have a bee in one's bonnet kangaroo
Rory Male Athletic lion
Roscoe male have a bee in one's bonnet horse
Rossi Feminine Powerful Cat
Rowan male Jock tiger
ruby Feminine Powerful rabbit
Rudy male Athletic Cat
Sally Feminine normal squirrel
Samson male Athletic mouse
sand Feminine normal ostrich
Savannah Feminine normal zebra
Scoot male Athletic duck
Shari Feminine sister monkey
Shelton male Athletic squirrel
Shed male smug dog
Sydney male lazy goat
Simon male lazy monkey
Skye Feminine normal Wolf
cunning male Athletic crocodile
snake male Athletic rabbit
arrogant Feminine arrogant Anteater
Sorel Feminine arrogant Hamster
Sparo male Athletic bird
ear male have a bee in one's bonnet rhinoceros
por / C male lazy pig
sprinkle Feminine Powerful penguin
Sprockets male Athletic ostrich
still male have a bee in one's bonnet squirrel
Stella Feminine normal sheep
GBP male Athletic eagle
smelly male Athletic Cat
Stitch male lazy Bear
Stu male lazy Cattle
Sydney Feminine normal Koala
Silvana Feminine sister kangaroo
Tabby cat Feminine Powerful Cat
Tad male Athletic frog
Tammy Feminine Powerful monkey
Tammy Feminine sister Bear
Tangy Feminine Powerful Cat
tank male Athletic rhinoceros
T-bone male have a bee in one's bonnet Cattle
Tasha Feminine arrogant squirrel
Teddy bear male Athletic Bear
Turks male smug penguin
ia Feminine normal Elephant
Tiffany Feminine arrogant rabbit
Timbra Feminine arrogant sheep
Dump truck Feminine arrogant Cattle
Tom male have a bee in one's bonnet Cat
Truffles Feminine Powerful pig
Tucker male lazy Elephant
Bunny Feminine Powerful Bear
wi Feminine Powerful bird
Tibalt male Athletic tiger
Usala Feminine sister Bear
Wilma Feminine arrogant goat
Vesta Feminine normal sheep
Vic Mai Su Lin have a bee in one's bonnet Cattle
Victoria Feminine Powerful horse
purple Feminine arrogant Gorilla
Vivian Feminine arrogant Wolf
Vladimir male have a bee in one's bonnet Bear
Wade male lazy penguin
Walker male lazy dog
Walter male have a bee in one's bonnet kangaroo
Little walter male have a bee in one's bonnet frog
Weber male lazy duck
Wendy Feminine Powerful sheep
Winnie Feminine Powerful horse
Whitney Feminine arrogant Wolf
willow Feminine arrogant sheep
Wolfgang male have a bee in one's bonnet Wolf
Yuka Feminine arrogant Koala
Zell male smug deer
Zach male lazy octopus

For more information on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, see our complete guide.

We also provide a complete list of fish and bug prices in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

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