Can there still be good MMORPGs in 2024?
While the world of games keeps turning, MMORPGs seem to be standing still. Is World of Warcraft still setting the tone or have younger competitors shaped the genre more decisively than often seems? Why does no ambitious MMORPG seem to have achieved success in exactly 10 years? We spoke to experts and took a look at the future.
A look at how upcoming games can set new impulses. Games like Ashes of Creation or Amazon’s second attempt to launch a new Lord of the Rings MMO.
Two absolute professionals are helping Géraldine with these difficult questions. Mary Marx had temporarily registered her second residence in Azeroth, while Karsten Scholz from the colleagues at MeinMMO spends the entire day doing nothing else anyway.!
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Together they explore the vast, seemingly endless world of online role-playing games, following in the footsteps of giants like WoW as well as more inconspicuous favorites like the still-living Lord of the Rings Online – which only Amazon can deliver a final death blow to on its second attempt.
But Amazon also has a lot to prove, especially after the New World debacle, and perhaps has to put aside its fear of its own genre.
You can see all this and more in the video talk above or listen here in the handy podcast format:
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If you want much, much more expert insights into this wonderfully complex world, then be sure to check out Mein-MMO. The big MMO week is currently underway there
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Feel free to write in the comments what talk topics you would like to see next! And also listen to our second format »What are you playing?«, in which editorial staff and guests briefly present their current favorite games. Or when Micha has to defend himself against Géraldine’s infamous vampire accusations.