Carnival Trip | Season 2 | Start, trailer, action, production

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Carnival Trip | Season 2 | Start, trailer, action, production

Action, Carnival, production, Season, start, trailer, trip

You need to know about the second season of the Amazon series

Sabine Tobias-Profile picture
Reading time: Two minutes

"Carnival Tour" gets the second season from Amazon Prime Video. However, the start of the new episode will be postponed indefinitely. You can find what we know about the sequel so far.

Carnival: Orlando Bloom [Ruscroft Philostrate] takes the role.

Carnival: Orlando Bloom [Ruscroft Philostrate] takes the role. [Source: 2019 Inc. or its branches]

Fantasy wonder continues! The “Carnival Row” produced inside Amazon Prime received the second donation season, and we learned what happened between Vignette Stonemoss and Rycroft “Philo” Philostrate. All information about the start, plot and production can be found here.

table of Contents

  1. start date

  2. action

  3. trailer

  4. Occupy

  5. produce

Carnival season season 2: start date

Before the release of the first season, the "Carnival Row" of the second season was ordered. Initially, it seems that we will see a new plot in the late summer of 2020. Due to the outbreak of coronavirus and the suspension of production of this series of products, the start date has moved back. Season 2 is expected to be released on Amazon Prime Video in the spring of 2021. Once you know the exact start date, you can find it here.

Carnival Season 2: The story continues

After revealing the dark secrets of Indira Varma and defeating Dark Ashes, Carna Delevingne and Philo [Orlando Bloom] still have no happy ending. The new prime minister, Jonah Breakspear, allies with the radical half-sister and lover Sophie Longerbane, and the mythical creatures are worse than ever. Wonderland and the rest of "Creech" are locked in a carnival row. Philo put his own vignette in the cell to avoid being separated from her again. At the same time, Imogen and Agreus are fleeing and moving freely at sea.

But how does the story continue? In an interview with the American magazine Entertainment Weekly, entertainers Travis Beacham and Marc Guggenheim revealed what the new season is waiting for. In Season 2, Philo ’s identity will be checked more closely. As a mixed-race, he is not a real man, but he is not a complete fairy. He must deal with this discovery in the new season. In addition, the vignette and Philo were reunited, but their feelings were plagued by various kinds. When Vignette is increasingly at the other end of the conflict, Philo must find himself. She knows exactly who she is and is proud of it. This provides a lot of foundation for friction in the relationship.

Imogen and Agreus were able to escape. According to Bicham, they also want to show the world outside Burgue, and lovers are heading to the places already mentioned in Season 1. The show host did not disclose which position it was, but in Season 2, besides Burgue, there are two other countries and two other positions waiting for us. We will also see more information about the political situation in Burgue and the underground movement of Faes. In addition, more detailed research will be conducted on other extremist groups.

Carnival Row Season 2: Trailer

So far, there are no trailers for Carnival Row Season 2. After Amazon released the clip, you can find it here.

Carnival season season 2: actors

In addition to Vignette Stonemoss and Rycroft "Philo" Philostrate, we will definitely see Imogen Spurnrose, Agreus Astrayon And Andrew Gower [Ezra Spurnrose].

Jay Ali is a new member of Season 2 of "Carnival Tour". The actor plays the role of Kaine, who belongs to the underground movement of Black Raven.

Carnival Season 2: Production

Since November 2019, the second season of "Carnival Row" has started production. The stars of the series appeared in the announcement video of the second season and showed their expectations for returning to the scene.

However, like many other series, Amazon's production is also interrupted to further limit the spread of coronavirus.

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