Stephany Nunneley
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 17:09 GMT
Those looking forward to "Angry Street 4" should check out this cool new game trailer.
This brand new Streets of Rage 4 game trailer pays homage to the original series, it has an unlockable pixel art character, and has unique features for the mobile set and the character's respective games as a whole.
In addition to the new trailer, some additional details were announced, for example, combatants can greet the police for special operations. The characters in "Angry Street 3" will be able to sprint and scroll through the environment.
You can view some unlockable classic characters such as Skate and Max in the video below.
After the release, you can also expect the game to include music from Rage 1 and 2 Street View, 17 playable characters, two people online collaboration and up to four people offline collaboration.
Rage 4's Streets will be released this spring for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. The price is $ 24.99. The release date is to be determined, although the Australian online store is already available this morning.