Cyberpunk 2077 was a financial success even before its release

Geralt of Sanctuary

Cyberpunk 2077 was a financial success even before its release

Cyberpunk, Financial, release, success

Cyberpunk 2077 was already selling extremely well via pre-orders.
Cyberpunk 2077 was already selling extremely well via pre-orders.

The release of Cyberpunk 2077 ran more smoothly on PC than on last-gen consoles, but by no means problem-free. We also had to change our rating afterwards because the test version offered a much better gaming experience than the release version.

Apparently, that hardly diminishes the success of Cyberpunk 2077. Like CD project in one Investorenmeldung announced, the long-awaited title almost completely recouped its development and advertising costs through pre-orders. The developers expect the rest of the sum in the course of 2020.

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What do the numbers mean?

So how many copies did Cyberpunk sell in total in 2077? And how high are the development and advertising costs? So far, the developer and publisher CD Projekt have kept a low profile on this. But at least we get a few clues about the bare numbers.

Cyberpunk 2077 already exceeded the mark of “50 million US dollars in sales on Steam alone” over two weeks ago, as CD Projekt told investors on Twitter.

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This is only part of the PC sales: In addition to the largest PC game platform Steam, Cyberpunk 2077 also appeared in GOG’s in-house shop and in the Epic Games Store. In addition, the game came out for PS4 and Xbox One as well as the steaming service Stadia, a revamped version for PS5 and Xbox Series X is still to appear.

A total of eight million pre-orders make Cyberpunk 2077 one of the biggest PC releases ever. CD Projekt also gave this number to investors:

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And that is only part of the picture: The console market should not be neglected either. So did the sales on consoles about 41 percent out. The large proportion of console players is the reason why the buggy console release should also cause concern for us PC gamers, as GameStar editor-in-chief Heiko Klinge finds:

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It is therefore not surprising that Cyberpunk 2077 can collect the entire development and advertising costs within a month and then post profits. How high the costs for production and advertising of the game are in total can be seen from the current one Quartalsberichts difficult to assess. We have asked the developer for more precise figures and will keep you posted.

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