Geralt of Sanctuary

DOOM Eternal does not get rid of crunch in its development

crunch, development, DoOM, Eternal, rid

Eternal DOOM art

DOOM Eternal is facing its final part of development and luckily we have already been able to try it, so if you feel like it you can read our impressions about the new id Software. On the other hand, as is – unfortunately – custom recently, developers suffer from what is called crunch, a practice in which workers must stay overtime (often unpaid) to finish the development in the estimated time before the deadline.

The delays of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Cyberpunk 2077, Marvel's Avengers and Dying Light 2 have made players think that more development time favors that these practices do not occur, but unfortunately what happens is that they occur and over prolonged DOOM Eternal was delayed last 2019, when it planned to launch in November and it was announced that it was moving its departure date to March 2020.

Many were those who put their hands to the head to think that he should face several titans that were put up for sale on those dates. Now, after all these delays, DOOM Eternal has a clear path. But the cost has also been human, since as confirmed by Marty Stratton in a statement that includes GamingBolt, DOOM Eternal developers suffered crunch periods during the past year.

«We were with crunch times most of last year. It goes in phases. We will have a group of people doing crunch for the next group of people to work normally. As they move forward, they may need to apply some crunch ».

«We really try to be very respectful of people's time and life. We have very dedicated people who simply choose to work hard in many cases. It was nice because we want the game to be perfect. We want it to live up to our expectations and consumer expectations ».

«We work very hard and we will put extra time to do it. Sometimes, when they give us extra time, we do it anyway because we want it to be much better. (A delay) Take away the pressure a bit, but it's almost one of those things that we will strive for even more to be as tight as possible ».

He also pronounced on the delay of the game and the extra months of development. «I think it's the best game we've ever done. I don't think I would say that if we didn't have that extra time. The game was already done, we have not added anything but what (the delay) allowed us to do was fix a ton more errors ».

«It allowed us to polish and strengthen the back-end systems, and we do tests throughout the game, in which we bring people from outside. We made a couple of additional versions of those and made a couple of additions to the game, simply balancing things and patching a couple of exploits ».

DOOM Eternal has positioned itself as one of the releases to take into account at the beginning of this year. The new id Software game will go on sale on March 20 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Google Stadia and Nintendo Switch.

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