Doom Eternal: In the test: Battle mode & Doom 64

Geralt of Sanctuary

Doom Eternal: In the test: Battle mode & Doom 64

amp, Battle, DoOM, Eternal, Mode, Test

No team deathmatch, no capture the flag, no kill streaks and zero camping: Doom Eternal's battle mode is a specialty in today's online landscape. Because instead of offering as much as possible, he concentrates on a single format: a Slayer competes against two demons.

Let's stay with the hell demons first. You can choose between five iconic creatures: Archvile, Mancubus, Marauder, Pain Elemental and Revenant. Everyone has their own attacks and skills. In addition, everyone is able to summon helpers. Carcass, Arachnotron and Hell Knight, among others, are supposed to make life difficult for the Slayer.

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What can he do against the odds? In principle, quite a lot, because almost all weapons and skills from the campaign are available to him. To do this, he can use jump pads and swing bars that are distributed across the arenas. All this makes him faster and more agile than the demons in direct comparison. If he is also at a sufficient distance, the demons can no longer see him – this enables surprise attacks.

For the hellish partners, good teamwork is particularly important. They also have a big trump card: if the Slayer kills one of them, they only have 20 seconds to kill the other demon as well. If he succeeds, the round is won. If he fails, the second enemy is revived with half the energy.

>> An action masterpiece! Our review of DOOM Eternal

A new approach

After you have decided on a fast game with random roles or directly for Slayer or Demon, the search for a match starts. At the beginning of the round, both camps have a few seconds to get the best possible position within the combat area. If you play as a slayer, speed and agility are at least as important as sufficient ammunition, armor and energy – similar to the campaign. The little helper demons are sawn, flamed and switched off with a glory kill. At the same time, of course, you try to catch the two hell demons.

The diabolical team, in turn, uses its individual abilities in such a way that the slayer is cornered and is under fire from all sides. You can also temporarily block Slayer loot such as ammunition and energy to cut off the butcher's supplies. Consultation and coordination are essential: going it alone ends with screen death, because a one-on-one situation usually results in a capable and well-equipped Slayer being the winner.

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Steep learning curve

After just a few games, one thing is certain: Battle mode is a difficult matter. The Slayer basically has a lot of power available, but this must also be dosed correctly. If you unload your arsenal too hastily and uncontrollably, the Slayer stands practically unarmed. He is dependent on the little demons, because only they bring ammunition and also energy.

On the other hand, it is not enough to simply summon the cannon fodder as a hell demon and otherwise hold back. They also have to specifically set traps and regenerate their health, which in turn is only possible in quiet moments. Without chat it is very difficult, if not impossible, to act as planned and to attack effectively. Then success depends on luck and an inexperienced demon hunter as an enemy.

Top 10 – Tips & Tricks for Doom Eternal

We have the ten most important tips & tricks for you to fight your way through the hordes of demons in DOOM Eternal as effectively as possible.

The learning curve in battle mode is even steeper than in the campaign. The different arenas and the completely different playing styles for slayers and demons take a lot of time to get used to – and this has to happen due to the high speed in the monkey tooth. However, the balance does not seem to be fully developed. The actually powerful Slayer sometimes seemed weak in direct combat with a Marauder or Pain Elemental.

patience is a virtue

Conversely, demons died in a matter of moments despite full of energy and plenty of helpers, because the Slayer was simply uncompromising. Sometimes the reason for the screen death was not at all apparent. In general, the battle mode saves with feedback on mistakes made and wrong tactics, so that you also have to work a lot yourself in this regard.

With regard to long-term motivation, it is particularly questionable whether a single game mode is sufficient. At least there is a lot to be gained for the time being: In addition to the campaign successes, the points from the Battle mode also flow into the Battle Pass. This will unlock new skins and poses, among other things.

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The sequence and rhythm of the battle mode cannot be compared to any other shooter. The completely different types of slayer and demon offer great potential. But to do that, you need people with time, willingness to learn and frustration-resistant. This is not an online snack, but heavy food. But that applies to Doom Eternal in general …

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