Less than a month ago we knew that Dragon Quest XI had reached 5.5 million copies sold and Yuji Horii – the creator of Dragon quest– expressed his gratitude for such a milestone. Now, Horii has made a statement on his Twitter account where, in addition to congratulating the new year, reports Dragon Quest XII began its development in 2019. In the message, the designer takes stock of everything they have created in 2019 and states that he does not know how long he can continue doing what he does, but that he feels he can still do his best once again.
あ け ま し て お め で と う ご ざ い ま す. 下 に あ げ た 以外 に も, ま だ ま だ 言 え な い も の も あ り ま す が 12 は, ま だ ち ょ っ と 先 に な り そ う で す. で も, そ の 前 に 発 売 で き る も の も あ る か も. 今年 も, よ ろ し く お 願 い し ます ね 😊 pic.twitter.com/dovPbbkydl
– 堀 井 雄 二 (@YujiHorii) January 1, 2020
You can read the translation of the message below:
Happy New Year.
Last year we started with the publication of the movie Dragon Quest: Your Story, then we released the Switch version of Dragon Quest 11, the mobile version of DQ Walk, the announcement of the anime The Adventure of Dai along with its adaptation to the game, the production of (DQ) 12 and more; Even now, after 33 years have passed since I made the first game, I feel very happy to be able to make new challenges like these. Thank you very much to all the users who have followed Dragon Quest so far, and also to all the staff members who have supported me. I don't know how long I can continue, but I feel like I want to do my best a little more. I hope this year is an incredible year for everyone. I really want to work together in this year.
First day of Reiwa 2
Yuji Horii, game designer