A film adaptation of Elden Ring remains a topic, as Hidetaka Miyazaki, President of From Software, has now also weighed in and formulated a concrete prerequisite for it.
George RR Martin recently fueled the rumors about a possible film or TV adaptation of Elden Ring with a sardonic statement, and now Hidetaka Miyazaki, President of From Software, has weighed in on the topic. The bottom line is that fans of the Dark Souls makers’ action epic can apparently have legitimate hopes of a film adaptation of the material from Elden Ring.
In an interview with The Guardian Miyazaki confirmed that the studio was interested in implementing the story of Elden Ring in a medium other than a video game. In this context, however, he formulated a specific prerequisite for this to actually happen: From S oftware needs a “very strong partner” for this.
Specifically, Miyazaki said: “I see no reason to turn down another interpretation or adaptation of Elden Ring, for example in the form of a film. But I don’t think that myself or From Software have the knowledge and ability to produce something in another medium. So this is something where a very strong partner would come into play. We would have to build a lot of trust and reach an agreement on everything we are trying to achieve with it, but there is certainly some interest.”
A general negative attitude towards a film adaptation definitely sounds different, so it will be exciting to see whether From Software can find such a strong partner for Elden Ring. The game itself is so immensely successful that there should really be a line of interested parties – especially since other big game brands such as The Last of Us or Fallout have received excellent TV adaptations and have also enjoyed great success.