Game news Far Cry 3: Ubisoft’s FPS offered on PC for a few days
In 2012, Ubisoft released Far Cry 3, a title that completely restarted the franchise after a second part that split up. Equipped with a very distinctive antagonist named Vaas, the title will be offered on the PC for a few days.
Until September 11th at 8:30 a.m., Players can recover and keep for a lifetime Far Cry 3 on PC by logging into your Ubisoft Connect account. Very well received, the title invites players to play Jason Brody, a very wealthy vacationer who is kidnapped by a gang of pirates at whose head we find us the very charismatic Vaas. On an island with a lush jungle called Rook Island, players must do whatever it takes to survive against enemies and wild animals and save their loved ones. Little by little, Jason will progress and unleash his primary instincts until he becomes a real killing machine. It’s all littered with psychedelic footage suggesting that the hero’s sanity is at stake.
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