Several development companies have joined forces with the NGO Videogames Without Borders (Video Games Without Borders) to give life to a solidarity video game that will help financially in the fight against the coronavirus. This new project is called Flatten Island and it puts us in the shoes of the governor of an island during a pandemic that we will always have to contain with a playful and humorous touch. Flatten Island It is now freely available for Android and through the browser, although it will also be released on devices soon iOS.
Flatten Island It is a casual simulator with touches of humor that, as we say, puts us in the position of controlling a pandemic on the island that we govern
On a mechanical level, the objective of the game is to flatten the curve of those infected by the pandemic, the same thing that is being attempted in real life with confinement during the COVID-19 crisis: "Every day you will have to choose an advisor to make you a proposal, make your decision and see the impact of it, until you get the vaccine to beat the virus.", says the description of the game in his official Web
A video game to raise awareness and encourage donation
The intention of this video game is twofold: on the one hand, it seeks to make the population aware of the difficulties involved in containing an uncontrollable pandemic, "You will learn that all decisions have their consequences and that they are not always easy to make"Flatten Island's own description says. On the other hand, the game also seeks that people who come to it are encouraged to donate, with the intention of "finance research projects whose objective is the early treatment and prevention of COVID-19, and the work of Accion contra el Hambre to help vulnerable families in Spain", they explain from the NGO.
Flatten Island has been developed in just a month and a half in a completely altruistic way for the following studies: Margarito Estudio (artistic direction), Cicchi Consulting (technical direction) and Asociación Oleaje (game design). From Videojuegos Sin Fronteras they thank the team that has worked selflessly on this project.