Fortnite X Netflix: a new collaboration that lets your fists speak


Fortnite X Netflix: a new collaboration that lets your fists speak

Collaboration, Fists, Fortnite, lets, Netflix, Speak

Game news Fortnite X Netflix: a new collaboration that lets your fists speak

On the occasion of the release of the fourth season of Cobra Kai on Netflix, the SVOD platform has teamed up with Fortnite for the time being to enter into a collaboration in the colors of the series.


  • Each his own dojo
  • Cobra-Kai in Fortnite: outfits, but not only

Each his own dojo

After Boba Fett for … the Holidays, it’s Cobra Kai who is the subject of a collaboration with Fortnite for New Years Day. To mark the release of the fourth season of the series, which is available today on Netflix, Fortnite has revealed new outfits on its official website:

Each of the ten outfits are available in three different dojo-inspired styles: Cobra Kai, Poisonous Eagle, and Miyagi-Do. Change the style in your locker to dress in the colors of your favorite Cobra Kai dojo!

With a total of 10 outfits, there are two separate packs: one for women’s outfits for the price of 2,000 V-Bucks and the same for men’s outfits. Each outfit can be purchased individually for 800 V-Bucks

Cobra-Kai in Fortnite: outfits, but not only

And as usual, Epic Games is not satisfied with the integration Skins just for the character. It is also possible to buy back accessories in the shop Miyagi’s teachings, the back accessories Cobra coin, the deck Logo you dojo the deck Curse of the Cora and the emote Crane technology.

Fortnite X Netflix: a new collaboration that lets your fists speak

You get the complete package of these accessories in exchange for 1,500 V-Bucks (as opposed to 2,500 normally). If this is the custom accessory you’re looking for, count 400 V-Bucks for the accessory Miyagi’s teachings, 300 for the emote, 800 for the two pickaxes, and 200 for the Cobra coin.

The collaboration between Netflix and Fortnite was leaked back in December, so it turns out to be true. Furthermore, this isn’t the first time Fortnite has decided to incorporate martial arts specialists into its series Gaming symbols next to Kratos or Tomb Raider.

Source : Fourteen days

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