The next installment in the popular The Witcher series of games, previously known by the working title The Witcher: A New Saga Begins, will no longer rely on the in-house REDengine from developer CD Projekt Red. Instead, the Polish studio has teamed up with Epic and will use Unreal Engine 5 to best stage the fantasy world of the upcoming role-playing game.
There is currently no official image or video material directly from the game, only a short trailer was presented as part of the announcement. A fan has now conjured up a little taste for himself and others by importing some of the popular characters into the UE5.
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The one used in the fan video Meta Human Creator
is no stranger, after all, we reported back in early 2021 on the amazing capabilities of technology to create lifelike-looking faces.
In the case of The Witcher trailer, however, it wasn’t just beards and hairstyles that were pasted on. Well, actually yes, but what is particularly worth seeing about it: The faces correspond to their templates as well as possible, since the creator imported the original meshes from The Witcher and then tried to adapt them as best as possible to their counterparts from the third part of the series.
What is a Mesh
? No, we’re not talking about the US TV series about a mobile field hospital. Rather, this term refers to the shape of a 3D object, i.e. its expansion in a three-dimensional space. It is often possible to port a mesh from one engine to another to save time and effort and not have to start from scratch.
The facial features look very familiar thanks to the mesh import. Nevertheless, the result looks unusual at first glance, because the faces of the Meta Human Creator are generally trimmed more towards photorealism than is the case with The Witcher 3.
The appearance of UE5-Geralt in particular takes some getting used to at first. The features typical of him, white beard and equally light hair, come into their own here more clearly. It would be interesting to see how his face would look with different lighting.
At the latest with Olgierd von Everec and Triss Merigold, the similarities to the original can no longer be overlooked and you get a really good impression of how these popular characters could look in a future part of the series if Unreal Engine 5 is working in the background .
Also in a trailer for the naturally fictional Assassin’s Creed Persia
a fan uses the Unreal Engine 5. We have analyzed for you here what exactly we found successful about the video and what rather less:
What do you think of what is shown? Do you like this look that is as realistic as possible or would you have preferred a different style that is more in the direction of the previous The Witcher games? Let us know what you think about it in the comments!