Kirk McKeand
Thursday, February 20, 2020, GMT
I never cared about Henry Cavill, but now that he plays Geralt in the Netflix adaptation of The Witcher, I start paying more attention to him. Even though I do wish I could steal his chin, arms and hair, he still seems to be a good guy.
Recently, he has been co-starring his sorcerer to the commemorative amulet, which is simply too cute. It reminds me of his name when talking about stunts from a particular wizard battle scene, and checking the names of all stunt performers and choreographers like a good egg.
One of the amulets was shared by actor Steve Wall, who played Boholt, the leader of the Crinfrid Reavers. it says:
"A gift to commemorate your hard work, I thank you personally and your memorable amulet, saying that you are the source of this incredible journey. It feels all about what a wizard does Proud, it shows and will be remembered. "
Take a look at the trinkets:
The wizard's amulet arrived at the post this morning. Damn……. Thanks Henry and I'm happy to work with you. @witcher_netflix #henrycavill # 那 巫师 # 保 和 pic.twitter.com/vEB6d8rvtE
-Steve Wall (@stevethewall) December 2, 2019
This is not the first time Cavill has given a gift to a co-star to mark the end of the project – he has done the same in both Superman projects before:
w! It is good to know that he still maintains the tradition of working with others. He also praised after filming Iron Man and Metroid. How sweet! 😍 pic.twitter.com/TzYl6zTjOm
-Aisha Prince (@ 1andonlyIssa) December 2, 2019
If you want more Cavill, here he is talking to you about swords.
He also recently acknowledged that he wanted to pose like Gerald of the Witcher 3 in the iconic bathtub scene.