I was convinced that my adventures in Escape From Tarkov They weren't going to release a new episode for weeks or months, but I was wrong. It's only been a couple of days since I told you about my transition from Gound Zero to Factory, a relatively small map, focused on close quarters and ideal for practicing combat. Just like I said, I went looking for revelry… and I found it.
The Tarkov bosses were almost a myth to me. I have Reshala's golden pistol (Customs) in my inventory because two friends killed him while I was trying to flank him… although it was of very little use because by the time I reached the agreed upon point he was already more than dead. My only function was to brush. And I haven't had the luck (or misfortune) to come across Kollontay from Ground Zero. As I said, almost a myth.
Thanks for the bad time, Tagilla
This happened literally two or three hours after I finished my last post. I returned to the Factory to continue exploring the map and shooting. The SCAVs games were relatively calm, the complete opposite of the PMC. There were two standouts. In the first I managed to extract through Gate 3 after a very intense shootout in the room where the Office Window extraction is located. My character could barely even walk.
After a few games, mostly SCAV, came the second most notable of the afternoon-night… and the last of the session. I took a shotgun that I had looted as SCAV and appeared in a medical room next to the extraction that leads to Customs. I had no idea where I was because I had never been there. And playing without a map because I already have it memorized. Long live photogenic memory, for what suits me.
I checked the ammo and began the raid. I didn't have to look too hard to find action. It was literally in the next room, which in turn opens onto an outdoor area to the south. There were SCAVs, PMCs and something else, although I didn't know it at the time. There was a lot of crossfire. I managed to wound an SCAV, which finally tried to get me and ended up shot dead almost at point-blank range. I started to loot it, but I heard a very loud sound of footsteps.
I retreated to the initial room. There was no way out. I was cornered. I looked out the door and saw an enemy larger than normal. I could only see that he put away a large gun, pulled out a hammer, and ran down the hallway before firing a round and entering the room. I aimed at the door and emptied as many cartridges as I could while he hit me once or twice with the mace. He ran out of the room, I guess to get better.
I assessed the damage. The right arm was in black and the rest of the body was in red, according to the in-game graphic. I stopped the bleeding and healed myself several times until most parts of my body were healed. Meanwhile, I positioned myself next to the door frame to listen if anyone was coming down the hallway. The shotgun was loaded and ready. And all this with the heart racing, hands trembling and body more tense than a kite on a windy day.
I opened the inventory for a moment and… I heard the footsteps once again. I backed up to the corner opposite the door and aimed the shotgun at about chest height. I unloaded up to three cartridges as soon as I saw him walk through the door. He withstood three shots at point-blank range before falling at my feet. I let out a sigh with which much of the accumulated tension went away.
It took a few seconds for my mind to restart. After a few minutes searching his corpse to get the exclusive loot and carrying out the last medical procedures, I faced reality again: “Okay, now it's time to extract so that this raid goes well.” It was a matter of pride. I couldn't die at the hands of a SCAV after killing that damn Tagilla, my first boss. Escape From Tarkov.
It was difficult for me to locate myself. I reached the central area after barricading myself in a laboratory and killing a stray SCAV. I ran north and entered the room that precedes Gate 1. “It's not here, Alberto. Breathe and think,” I told myself while moving my fingers to calm the trembling.
I saw a green light after leaving the room. It was Gate 3! They were a few meters, but they seemed eternal. I could swear I was even hunched over in real life, as if that was going to prevent any SCAV or PMC from blowing my head off in the last few meters. But not. I entered through both doors and managed to extract. I dropped the keyboard and mouse to lean back in the chair. “Enough Tarkov for today,” I thought as I felt my entire body relax. Although I stopped playing, I admit I could have gone all night. This bad time that almost led me to a heart attack has been like a great shot of fuel to continue playing. And I will, for sure.
In iGamesNews | If all fools are lucky, then I'm the (almost) emperor of stupidity in Escape From Tarkov. I refer to the tests
In iGamesNews | I already played the best battle royale and extraction mode long before Fortnite, Warzone and Escape From Tarkov. Now it's abandoned