Rockstar Games has had plenty of time to add and remove more vehicles than anyone can remember in GTA V and GTA Online. Most users are content to think that there are many to avoid the headache of looking for an exact figure or worse: spending hours researching and counting us manually.
The total number of vehicles GTA V y GTA Online It differs depending on the criteria taken into account: counting only those that can be driven, adding or discarding some decorative ones, counting or not counting special versions… The wiki GTABase says have its list updated until December 2024 and indicates that there are a total of 768 vehicles, even including the radio-controlled cars and the train itself.
On the other hand, GTACars points out that there are a total of 913 vehicles. The calculations of content creators move around the aforementioned figures. It represents a difference of approximately 100 vehicles, something acceptable to maintain a certain consensus.
Taking all this into account and with GTA VI so close, two content creators wondered how much all the vehicles in the game would take up. GTA V y GTA Online if we put them both in a row and in a battery. On the one hand, Gtamen decides to use the eastern highway to place all the cars in battery. Their calculations add up to 720 vehicles, something that more or less matches the figures provided by specialized wikis. Needless to say, they are lacking, but the result is surprising.
For its part, Pyre realm gaming takes inspiration from the previous video to make its own version, although it includes a few more vehicles and puts them online. Some are missing because the video is a while ago. Even so, the result is absolutely wonderful and allows us to see that Rockstar Games has not wasted any time in all these years.
The community still cannot agree on a criterion for counting exactly how many vehicles there are in GTA V y GTA Online. And even without having an absolutely clear figure, we can say that it is not that far from 1,000… at least taking these figures into account.
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