For many, making ends meet to pay the bills can become quite a challenge, but In 2025 we will have to assume one more payment that some will not be able to assume. At least that’s the idea behind Repo Menthe film starring Jude Law and Forest Whitaker.
Released in 2010, the tape dystopian science fiction by Miguel Sapochnik, is based on the novel Repossession Mambo by Eric García and takes us to an era where the monetization of vital organs has become commonplace. Livers, hearts, lungs and many other body parts do not belong to you, but are the property of a company.
Of course, in the meantime you will have to pay some simple installments, even if you don’t even think about skipping any deadlines. It is at that moment that Remy and Jake Freival, the characters played by Law and Whitaker, will appear to claim those organs and They will not be delicate at all with their methods. Evidently, there is a brutal ethical conflict in society over this issue, which carries over to Remy’s house.
His wife rejects his way of life for being a disastrous example for his son and the twist comes when during a day, the protagonist suffers an electric shock with which he loses his heart 2.0. It will be at that moment when Repo Men
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You can also rent or buy Repo Men on Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime Video.
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