You got the griiimm! With this sentence, fortune teller Professor Trelawney shocked half the class in »Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban«. The other half has no idea what they’re talking about – if you feel the same way, we’ll refresh your memory in a moment.
You should definitely know about the Grimm so that you don’t suddenly face him in Hogwarts Legacy – because that can quickly end fatally for the unprepared.
Der Grimm in Hogwarts Legacy
What was the Grimm again? Behind it hides the worst Omen of Death. For example, anyone who sees a Grimm reading tea leaves will die horribly in no time. At least that’s what the soothsayers of the wizarding world claim. The Grimm looks like a huge black dog with red glowing eyes. He appears in the third Harry Potter book and its film adaptation, but turns out to be something completely different there.
The murderous giant dog lurks in a cave southwest of Hogwarts, which is also home to the undead and a white wolf. Here you can see the fury with which the beast will attack you if you enter its lair:
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Tips for fighting the Grimm
To have a realistic chance against the Grimm and his comrades, you should be well advanced and have a decent arsenal of spells ready. Only fire attacks help against the Inferi. Of course, you can also fall back on the incredibly powerful Chinese chewing cabbage heads, they can even crush adult mountain trolls in a matter of seconds.
Remember to dodge, because the Death Omen is pretty fast and likes to jump at you from a distance. Keep your distance and hold on – and don’t forget that the Grimm is supported by a White Wolf. At least not a werewolf, you can find that somewhere else.
Unfortunately, the Grimm cannot be tamed like many other magical creatures – although he would certainly have felt right at home in the Room of Requirement!
Have you crossed paths with the hellish dog yet? Or are you just now on the hunt for him and his undead friends?