“It is my only regret,” regrets the director of this Final Fantasy, not to have added this element in this episode


“It is my only regret,” regrets the director of this Final Fantasy, not to have added this element in this episode

added, director, element, episode, Fantasy, Final, regret, Regrets

Gaming News “It is my only regret,” regrets the director of this Final Fantasy, not to have added this element in this episode


It's difficult to be completely satisfied with your creation, and the director of this Final Fantasy game still feels that way today. Despite doing everything in his power to sort out the most complicated development, Hajime Tabata admitted that he still had a lot of regrets about the title, especially that he couldn't add this element to complete his vision.

Final Fantasy 15, a battered game that the Square Enix teams found difficult to renovate

The Final Fantasy video game franchise has always tried to innovate in one way or another throughout its episodes, even if that means taking enormous risks. Of course, we have to mention the most turbulent developments within the license Final Fantasy Versus XIII…or rather Final Fantasy XV. The project, initially entrusted to Tetsuya Nomura, quickly made Square Enix sweat. It must be said that the project stood still for years and did not move forward quickly enough, which forced Square Enix to make a difficult decision: convert this episode into a new numbered part and entrust the direction to another director.

From this moment on, developer Hajime Tabata, who has already been involved in several titles of the license, will be at the forefront of the adventures of Noctis and his three faithful companions Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto. Unfortunately, even if Tabata had been the most powerful magician, he was unable to completely save the project. When the game was released, we finally felt major gaps in the shell of the project that caused it to absorb water in certain places. Although he and his teams tried their best not to fall into misfortune, Hajime Tabata recently returned to one of his greatest regrets Final Fantasy XV.

Hajime Tabata's unfinished work on FF15 still haunts him

With time, Final Fantasy XV has actually made a comeback, even if the end result is far from perfect. Some time after the original release Final Fantasy XV After four months, the receipt of several DLCs began, the first in March 2017. In the end, three others took over the role, each focusing on the companions of Noctis, before completing the addition of additional content with a DLC dedicated to the antagonist of this episode, Ardyn, was dedicated. However, the teams shouldn't stop there and another DLC was in the pipeline… before it was adapted into a novel.

However, my only regret is that the DLC was canceled. We had a lot of additional content planned for FFXV, but in the end some of it had to be canceled. It was really unavoidable at the time, but it still haunts me to this day. We couldn't keep our promise and weren't able to deliver all the content we planned to the players who were looking forward to it.

During an interview given last year to the editorial team of 4GamerHajime Tabata spoke about his biggest regret about the game. As we can see in the quote from the interview that can be read above, this is actually the repeal of the DLC that was changed by the novel Dawn of the futurewhich still haunts him. Ultimately, it is this cross-media strategy that made it possible to work out the game's shortcomings Final Fantasy XV. We remember, for example, that the film Kingsglaive served as a prequel to the game, similar to the animated series brotherhood.

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