One of the anime series that was scheduled to premiere this month was Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho, an adaptation based on the work of Motoo Nakanishi that was going to be released on June 27 with a one-hour special. However, just a few days after this moment occurred, those responsible have announced a last minute delay.
The team in charge has published a statement in which it states that the reason is due to a production problem that has caused its publication to be postponed until 2025, without specifying a more exact date. In the message he has stated that he is sorry for any inconvenience that this news may have caused, but at least he has guaranteed that when he arrives he will do so with his first two seasons.
The adaptation takes announced from September 2021, so it has been going on for too many years. It was originally created in 2013 in the form of Japanese historical fantasy light novels, although it was not until 2021 when it received an adaptation in manga form with a total of three volumes, so now it only remains to be seen what its anime version will be like, about which has only been shown a trailer.
Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho It is set in the Edo era, in which there is a sanctuary located in a town located between the mountains. For generations this place has had a priestess and a guardian who has risked protecting it with his life. This is the case of Jinta, who faces a demon who tells him that another, more fearsome creature will appear in the future, which gives rise to a history spanning 170 years with travel through space and time.
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