The comparisons between Valorant and CS: GO are as old as the first gameplay shown by Riot's tactical shooter. No wonder that Parallels in game modes, map layout, weapon handling and pacing can be recognized at first glance.
How great the similarities are is shown by a spectacular gameplay scene shared by a Valorant beta player on Reddit. Under the greatest possible pressure, he manages to make a great victory out of an almost certain defeat.
The special thing about this scene: We not only see that Valorant and Counter-Strike are very similar, but also where the biggest differences are.
All of this takes place compressed to 43 seconds:
All of my hours in the Beta added up to this clutch moment … from r / VALORANT
It's like CS: GO!
The initial situation is extremely unfavorable for the Valorant hero in this video. It's 12 to 12, the team with the next round victory also wins the game. The enemy placed the spike, so there is only 45 seconds left to defuse this bomb.
Within a short time, all of his teammates bless the timing when they try to storm the bomb site. Our hero remains last living player – everything depends on him now. There are almost hopeless 1v5 situations like this in CS: GO.
The player unwinds his best gameplay under high pressure and does it one enemy after another with well-placed hits. This scene could have taken place in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with few restrictions. When the player has defeated four of the five opponents in this way, he seems to remember that he is currently playing Valorant.
more on the subject
Valorant vs. CS: GO: Profi explains the differences
It's not like CS: GO!
The last opponent of this round is apparently mildly irritated by the fact that just being a single player complete Valorant team blown out of the mountain pines Has. So he doesn't dare to come out from behind the big box in the center of the bomb site.
By the way, that's one too sensible tactics, because the enemy should spend as much time as possible to force our hero to take desperate actions and to detonate the bomb.
However, this now shows that he has nerves of wire ropes on the one hand and on the other hand where Valorant and CS: GO clearly differ. He uses that Skills of his heroine Jettto completely surprise the defensive attacker.
First he catapults himself into the air with the upwind technique, activates the ultimate ability and misses the stunned last enemy juicy flying knife exactly to the twelve. Then he cheekily defuses the bomb that is ticking comfortably in front of him and bagged the match with 13-12. GG!
Valorant – The LoL makers attack CS: GO and could win!
Where do you see the biggest differences between Valorant & CS: GO? In addition to the graphic style and skills, are there elements that you can only find in one of the two tactical shooters? Feel free to discuss with us in the comments!