Unlike Sony with PlayStation 5 and its mysterious silence, Microsoft wants to have Xbox Series X in front of the spotlights as long as possible before launch. The new Redmond console has already shown its appearance and revealed its specifications, and now it will bring more. Next week we will know more about XSX thanks to a live broadcast, courtesy of its creators, which will take place in Mixer.
Microsoft planned to play its own rules within the recently canceled GDC. So, during the days March 17 and 18 of this 2020, will make a series of live broadcasts through its official channel in Mixer. He will kick off on 17 at 19:00 in Peninsular Schedule, and will focus primarily on showing «The latest in video game development technologies and Microsoft's cloud», as they collect in GamesRadar.
During the second day is where we find the most interesting for the next-gen. The day March 18th, Microsoft has a one-hour slot reserved for a presentation called «Xbox Series X + Project xCloud = New Chapter in Gaming», in which they are expected to talk about their plans for the new generation with the double of their new console and their proposal of game in the cloud for all devices. It will start at 20:40 on Wednesday in Peninsular Hours and will last one hour.
To be unknown what exactly will be the issue addressed in relation to your new console, but more details are expected to be shown. MS is clear that it will follow a very different strategy with XSX, and clear proof of this is being all prior to its launch. Knowing that, just before that presentation, another will take place that will address how online services affect video games, we may know more about the connectivity and services of the new console.
Xbox Series X price and date, when will they know?
Currently try to predict Microsoft behavior As for the revelations of the formerly known as Xbox Scarlett it is almost impossible. The Xbox house caught everyone by surprise by showing Xbox Series X during the 2019 Game Awards, so you may be preparing another blow of effect at any time For your new console.
Those responsible are very clear that E3 2020 will be crucial, and that there will show a large battery of Xbox Series X games, if the fair is finally held. But what about the release date? And the price of the console? Both are unknowns that remain in the air and remain unanswered. Although it is likely that they are waiting for Sony to move token with PS5 to try to give a blow of effect, or vice versa.