We keep you up to date
Is there a problem with Microsoft? Currently, many readers tell us that they are having problems with websites, logging in, and downloading files. We will closely monitor your failure and update it in time.
Microsoft is currently working to resolve the issue. Many readers of Netzwelt report to our failure report that the site is not functioning properly. File registration and download do not work in many places. The cause of the failure is unclear. We keep you up to date.
netzwelt.de's fault detector
We constantly evaluate the availability of Microsoft servers and services and show you any issues or failures. Here you'll find Microsoft's current fault status, support address, and manufacturer's message on this issue. There you can also see if the outage is local or national.
You can always see current faults and problems in our fault detector. Here we have listed the most important internet providers, network providers, online gaming and streaming services. You can also use our speed test to test your own line for problems.
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