On the eve of a certain Steve’s arrival in the video game industry’s most ambitious crossover, Nintendo continues to fuel the hype train with a new pellet of coal, intended to prepare the ground … cubic, inevitably .
While some seismologists are still investigating the reason that caused the Earth to shake in early October, players in the know about the news surrounding Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
We already knew that the hero Steve would not be “alone” to join the heroes of the industry, since declined in three versions, alongside Alex, the Zombie and finally the Enderman.
What we did not know, however, is that the course dedicated to the game of Mohjang would also benefit from many variations, not without taking the opportunity to resuscitate a practice that has now disappeared, but which we lack: that of cheat code. Indeed, players will benefit from different biomes depending on the key combination when selecting the level:
Selecting My Craft Wild Billboard
On the state select screen, hold down the specific button and select “MyCraft World” to play with the desired bytes. Here are the commands for selecting each byte. #Smabra SP pic.twitter.com/STMNubggPk– Super Smash Bros [Smash Bros Official] (@SmashBrosJP)
【マインクラフト ワールド バイオームの選択】
ステージセレクト画面にて、特定のボタンを押しながら「マインクラフト ワールド」を選択すると、好きなバイオームで遊べます。それぞれのバイオームの選択コマンドはこちら。#スマブラSPpic.twitter.com/STMNubggPk— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) October 12, 2020
No need to know how to decipher kanjis and other katakana to understand how it will be possible to go from the savannah to the taga according to your desires. Rest assured: by contenting themselves with making a classic selection, they will mathematically have a one in six chance of encountering a specific environment.
You only have a few hours left to memorize these small manipulations, since Steve from Minecraft will arrive tomorrow in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, for Fighters Pass Vol.2 holders, or those who would spend 5.99 euros.