Ahead of the release of the PS5 compilation of the full saga, Nioh 2 is making one final return to PS4 with its third DLC: The First Samura. We did the TEST on a shiny PS5 and we’re telling you everything!
It will soon be 9 months Nioh 2 Sit on our hard drive and it’s time for him to come back one more time in the TEST columns of iGamesNews with his latest addition, which is aptly named The first samura. Did she come full circle and finish the DLC program in style? Good question, thanks for asking.
Cashew Nioh
And with a time travel begins the scenario of this new DLC, and this time we bring you to the origins of the story because if you still haven’t managed to finally defeat your sworn enemy for now one game and two expansions, you will be yourself play Terminator
To take advantage of all of this, the menu gives you access to a new region that has its share of additional missions. If the main quests are just two, the latter are quite long, and defeat multiple bosses before they get to the end, and the side missions come with their share of challenges. We started everything at level 175 (138 so recommended) and we didn’t have a bad time! We will especially note the return of the “Alone Against All” mission, which will get you to grips with almost all of the bestiaries of Nioh 2, in a much smaller arena than last time … it will take a lot of time and perseverance before you can unlock the trophy that consists of completing the said mission in NG ++!
Nioh dynasty
All of this will obviously be the opportunity to meet some new minds in the enemy ranks, including some variants of well-known mobs, like this popular version of a Cyclops that was already very much, or that of the wizard who could, well, surprise that first time! New kids are on the program, like this evil elf from Santa Claus or this formidable giant crow, and the bosses are popular and impressive too.
The sets visited in this expansion contrast a little with the rest of the game, and that’s pretty good! For some time in the joint venture, we’ve had the feeling that titles like Ghost of Tsushima are slipping, even if we’re not at that level yet Nioh 2Frankly, it’s not bad: yes, feudal Japan lends itself particularly well to using shimmery and well-groomed skin tones, and the layers of this extension allow us to see all of the colors, which is pretty cool. The evil caves of Devil May Cry and the snowy landscapes here also defend themselves quite effectively. On PS5, our PS4 version of the game did very well, with graphics on par with the PS4 PRO version and exemplary fluidity at all times.
Nioh Gaiden
Note that you also have access to new armor skins, but that’s about it. Unlike previous expansions, there is no new weapon to get used to The first samurai. Still, note the presence of new mechanics in missions with multiple rescued NPCs accompanying you with a limited lifespan, and even a new additional difficulty that increases the number of possible NG + to five!
To be honest, if this expansion isn’t the prettiest of the three in terms of content, we’re still glad to be able to close the circle with it Nioh 2and we are now impatiently waiting for the continuation of the adventures of Team Ninja, and we will tell you about it Nioh very soon with the release of the PS5 compilation which will be more precise!