Nioh 2 Update 1.23 Adds Double and Triple Boss Fights to Depths of the Underworld

Geralt of Sanctuary

Nioh 2 Update 1.23 Adds Double and Triple Boss Fights to Depths of the Underworld

adds, boss, depths, double, FIGHTS, Nioh, Triple, Underworld, update

The latest patch update 1.23 for Nioh 2 adds new floors to the Depths of the Underworld, adding double and triple boss fights. Plus weapon adjustments and bug fixes.

Nioh 2 Update 1.23 Adds Double and Triple Boss Fights to Depths of the Underworld

Nioh 2‘s latest update 1.23 is now live for Playstation 4, which adds new content, balance changes and more. The patch adds new floors to the Depths of the Underworld, adding further challenges with the return of double bosses which were in the first game, plus triple boss fights.

There are also a lot of balance changes for all weapons and bug fixes with this update.  You can find some of the additions below:

The full patch notes were shared via the official Team Ninja Twitter account:

This patch comes ahead of the release of the remastered versions of Nioh and Nioh 2 which will be releasing on PS5 as part of The Nioh Collection, as well as the Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition for PC on February 5th. Don’t forget to pick the two new sets coming to the game for all Nioh 2 players, for limited-time only.

Recently director of the Nioh franchise Fumihiko Yasuda shared details on the upcoming plans for the Team Ninja developer including interest in an open-world game on next-gen consoles and the possibility of Nioh 3.

If you need help with Nioh 2 be sure to drop by our wiki and be sure to check out our Nioh 2 Guides.

For more news be sure to check out next Fallen Legion Revenants Demo Now Available and Shattered Tale Of The Forgotten King Launches February 17th.

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