Within the genre of metroidvania We can find proposals of all kinds and the company The Shady Gentlemen, a studio based in France and Belgium, will try to try their luck with SteamDolls: Order of Chaos, a title that its managers define as a metroidvania with a steampunk theme and a touch of brutality.
When talking about their development they have not wanted to hide some of the games that have been most inspired in its creation, highlighting Hollow knight and Castlevania, the fury of Dead Cells or the darkness of Bloodborne in order to create an atmosphere in keeping with that of From Software's magnificent work.
All this will leave us with a game of 2D action and platforms in which we will take the role of a thief and anarchist named The Whisper and to which David Hayter, the voice of Solid Snake, will double. Our character will also come across a goddess of nature, a holster with a deadly target, or a rich immortal who just wants to die.
Among all of them what will not be missing of course are enemies that will have to be annihilated with a somewhat bloody gameplay. It will be up to the players whether they want to finish them off fighting head-on or remain stealthy while they camouflage themselves in the shadows to unleash some of the wildest murders, as you can see in the following trailer.
Since Steam you can access the download a demo from SteamDolls: Order of Chaos, though it still has to rain quite a bit until its release occurs with its date set by 2021 on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.