We all remember the mythical story of Peter Panespecially thanks to the fantastic animated adaptation he made Disney A good handful of decades ago. However, we have all buried in our memory the existence of the video game that saw the light in 2007 for PS2 with the same name.
And it is that Phoenix Games, one of the most infamous editors who have passed through the industry, was in charge of publishing his own version of JM Barrire's novel, but with a disastrous result. With a Unfortunate artistic section And extremely simple puzzles with a practically childish cut, the only thing that lasts in some memories is on its cover.
A Peter Pan and a 3D Garfio Captain They are the protagonists of it, although with an absolutely atrocious visual outcome. There is nowhere to take the image, except for the small detail of the island that is seen in the background and that is practically camouflaged by the pirate ship. Surely more than one Kingdom Hearts fan sounds.
Indeed, in Phoenix Games they believed very convenient that they had to steal the Conceptual art of the islands of destiny to use them on their cover and did it without any blush. Apparently Disney never learned of this matter, which would surely have caused the occasional legal problem, so the video game units went to the market.
Once again, Peter Pan was a tremendous calamity that It doesn't even have a single criticism in Metacriticso from the moment of his conception he went into oblivion. Today it is a pathetic jewel of collecting, since what is fun is not that it offers too much.
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