The two Pokémon Sword and Shield expansions The Isle of Armor and The Snowlands of the Crown not only bring some old Pokémon back into play, but also a few new ones. We know about them.
Galar-Flegmon is both an old Pokémon that will be returned after the Pokédex cut and a new Galar form. In contrast to its original form, it only belongs to the psycho-type. The yellow discolorations on his forehead and tail are due to the long-term enjoyment of the galanga nut. Through this it should occasionally have brilliant ideas, which it immediately forgets. You can catch Galar Flegmon now if you address one of the new characters from the expansion pass at Brassbury Railway Station. However, it can only develop with special items that can be found on the armor island or the crown snowlands.
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