Praying, hunting, looking for dragons: Kingdom Come 2 shows the variety of its side quests

Geralt of Sanctuary

Praying, hunting, looking for dragons: Kingdom Come 2 shows the variety of its side quests

Dragons, Hunting, Kingdom, praying, quests, shows, Side, Variety

What's there to do in Kingdom Come 2's open world? The trailer answers this with a panning of the role-playing game's diverse tasks and activities. It's not long until the release on February 4, 2025, and the GameStar test of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is also fast approaching. There we will clarify how well the side quests teased in the video actually fit into the story and how much fun the actions outside of the main story are. You can read an initial conclusion in our preview after ten hours. We also let Kingdom Come noob Mary play the second part without any prior knowledge. Your experiences as a newcomer are positive. And if you've played Part 1 but don't remember all the details, you should study our handy story recap of Kingdom Come as soon as possible.

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