The principle is very simple: find every day of the week an unusual or humorous image in the form of an artwork, GIF or video related to the video game, high-tech or geek sphere that is in the news or turns out to be perfect be timeless.
Do you know path tracking*? Put simply, it is the uncompromising use of ray tracing aimed at bringing to light the most realistic virtual reproduction of light possible.
A splendid work of modeling and light management by the artist Daniel Martingeradmire!
*the path tracking is a ray tracing technique used to determine the global illumination of a 3D scene, going so far as to produce the final image through progressive composition. At first, the image is just a haze of pixels that gradually refines until it’s almost completely stripped of its “grain”.
This technique for rendering 3D images consists of throwing rays from the camera lens in random directions until those rays hit a geometric surface. With each impact, the beam bounces again, losing energy with each impact until it hits the color black or a light source. The brightness and color of the very first point of impact will therefore be a weighting of the light and color of any ricochets that have taken place for a ray.
The advantage of this method is that it is not limited in the number of reflections and achieves an integral ambient light model. (above)
See you tomorrow for a new picture!