Kirk McKeand
Monday, February 10, 2020 10:33 GMT
Hackers are bad people. This is a fact. They spoil the online experience of other players by tricking the game. However, I don't think I'm so angry with the crazy hacker, who scared me by sending two skulls to kick my ass.
This is what happened in Red Dead Online via PC. People are just a busy day-prosperous, skull-like head bumps. These things have two heads, but it hasn't been verified whether a head hit caused double damage. I'm sure you won't peel if you win the game.
Here are the ongoing unprovoked skull attacks:
I was unexpectedly attacked by r / RedDeadOnline
There is also a post claiming the same thing happened on PS4, although unverified:
So some people want a video to prove that this is not a photoshop. OK, here is the video, brought it to my phone so people can see it was shot on a monitor … from r / RDR2
There are even Steam forum topics on this topic.
A poster said: "I've been very sick in recent days and haven't slept much, but I'm pretty sure I just got attacked by two skeletons west of the Grizzly Bear west of the cattail pond." It was a metal detector. When I changed my gun and started firing, it just slammed me from behind and ran away. A grizzly bear popped up and killed me. Strange. Has anyone ever happened? "
According to some replies, hackers flew from the vantage point of the hot air balloon to the sky and used Godmode hacks. If you find yourself attacked by a bone attacker, look up to see if you can spot a terrorist in the clouds.