Sherif Saed, Thursday, January 21, 2021, Greenwich Mean Time
RE: Verse is a bonus game that rewards the history of Resident Evil.
As part of today’s “Resident Evil” exhibition, Capcom unveiled Resident Evil RE: Poetry, A new multiplayer third-person shooter game. RE: Verse is a free package for each copy of Resident Evil Village.
RE: Verse lets you play/fight many iconic heroes, villains and monsters of the series to celebrate the 25-year history of Resident Evil. The gameplay aired today seems to come from a different game, and Capcom didn’t provide much way to explain how the game actually works.
RE: Verse is indeed the game that Capcom recently invited players to test, and the first test is about to begin. There may be other opportunities between now and May, you can try the game.
RE: Verse will be launched in “Resident Evil Village” on May 7 and is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.
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